Working together to create the change

Our progress will be monitored through the Greater Manchester Housing Strategy Implementation Plan, and an annual workplan will be overseen by the Housing, Planning and Ageing Group, reporting progress to the Ageing Hub Executive Group. The annual workplan will set performance indicators and identify the desired impact of the work on an annual basis in more detail.
Outcomes will be demonstrated in the following performance indicators:
- Rates of new housing development that include age-friendly features.
- District and neighbourhood plans reflect age-friendly principles.
- Rate of older people who live in accessible, safe and warm homes.
The Housing, Planning and Ageing group will need to ensure that the voice and experience of residents in mid and later life informs all the work, continuing to identify opportunities and good practice in engagement and co-production. There will be engagement with the Greater Manchester Older People’s Network, the GMCA Older People’s Panel and the age-friendly networks within the local authorities.
The annual workplan will set out the contributions from partners of their resources, expertise and influence in pursuing our shared agenda and ambitions. While the Housing, Planning and Ageing Group will oversee, challenge and promote this work, delivering on our ambitions will require the engagement and commitment of many partner organisations and partnerships in Greater Manchester and the local authorities to collaborate and co-produce solutions. Consideration will also need to be given to the financial investment in delivering the ambitions of this agenda.

Members of the Housing, Planning and Ageing Group

Convened by the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub the members of the Housing, Planning and Ageing Group who have contributed to the development of this framework are:
- Greater Manchester Combined Authority: Housing Strategy, Strategic Planning, Research and Analysis, Greater Manchester Ageing Hub
- Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
- Local authorities: Stockport Metropolitan Council, Rochdale Council, Trafford Council
- Greater Manchester Housing Providers: Southway Housing (Chair), Bolton at Home, Johnnie Johnson Housing
- National research and policy: Centre for Ageing Better, Housing LIN, Care and Repair England
- Research partners: Manchester School of Architecture, University of Manchester (Dementia and Ageing Research Team)
- Private/ commercial architects, developers and providers: Pozzoni Architects, Belong, Glenbrook Property.
We would like to express thanks to Arc4 Consultancy for developing this framework with us, and the Centre for Ageing Better and GMCA for commissioning this work.