Enhanced Housing Management (EHM)
Our Enhanced Housing Management (EHM) service offers sheltered accommodation for customers aged 55 and over. We’re the largest provider of these services in Tower Hamlets. During the year, we conducted a service review and internal audit to identify areas for improvement. Our team has been implementing the recommendations to enhance our customers’ experiences in these homes.
In 2023/24, 69.7% of our EHM customers were satisfied with our service.
of our EHM customers were satisfied with the overall repairs service.
were satisfied with the time it took to complete their most recent repair.
of customers believe their homes are well-maintained.
believe we provide safe homes.
Case study:
A close-knit community at Norba Court
Since 2022, Norba Court has focused on building a strong community. Every Tuesday, customers gather for drinks and snacks, and they recently celebrated a customer’s 82nd birthday together.
Additional activities
- We arranged for 23 residents to attend a Christmas meal and visit the Old Music Hall.
- We conducted seven in-house computer courses at our schemes.
How we engage with our older residents
Since October 2023, our small EHM team has been actively working to involve customers in what matters to them and involve them in shaping service improvements.
Over the last financial year, we held around 100 monthly activities across all 15 EHM schemes, averaging 11 activities per week per scheme. These included tea mornings, chair exercises, yoga, bingo, karaoke, and about 120 digital workshops to help our older customers with digital skills.
Additionally, we offered:
money management sessions over five months.
rent clinics.
repair clinics.
outings and 11 other activities for our senior customers.
Customer communication:
of our EHM customers believe we listened to and acted on their views.
were satisfied with how we kept them informed about important matters.
felt we treated them fairly and with respect.
Complaints handling: