Involving you in what we do

We encourage your involvement at every level of the organisation and offer you a variety of ways to get involved and help us to improve our services. In 2018, we adopted the National Housing Federation’s Together with Tenants initiative. It’s a new initiative to improve housing associations’ accountability to residents, giving them a greater voice and standardising the principles governing the way associations involve their customers. As a result, we’ve created formal roles for residents in our governance structure to improve our accountability.

In 2019, we had a big recruitment drive to encourage more residents to join our Residents’ Panels. The panels provide a vital link between us and our residents. They help ensure residents’ views are heard and enable them to influence our organisation at the highest level. We have two Local Panels, each with up to 16 members: Hertfordshire and Outer London Local Panel, and London Local Panel. Together they make decisions on local issues, set local priorities, monitor service delivery and hold us as service providers to account.


residents gave us feedback on our services and suggested ideas for community development


activities were hosted in 2018/19


residents are on our Local Panels (London and Hertford)


residents applied to join our Local Panels


we increased membership of our panels from 12 to 16


our resident engagement offer

We weren’t able to engage with as many residents as we would like over the past year as we’ve been focussed on developing our different resident engagement opportunities. This year, we’ve looked at improving the ways you can get involved so that we offer you a range of flexible opportunities to take part in and improve our services. This could be through face to face contact with us, such as resident panels and group sessions, to more inclusive and flexible methods, such as through digital channels including email or online surveys. With our new offer, we’ll also be able to find out from you what areas of the business you’re most interested in so we can get you involved in the projects and services you want to influence. We’ll be launching our new involvement offer next year and hope to engage more residents through it.

In the meantime, if you’re interested in finding out more information, please contact our Resident Engagement Team at or call them on 0300 373 37000.